Tabare vazquez facts tuition

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Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosas was a Uruguayan politician and oncologist who served as the 39th and 41st President of Uruguay from to and from to During his political career, Vázquez was a member of the Broad Front coalition.
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Tabare vazquez facts tuition

Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosas (17 January – 6 December ) was a Uruguayan politician who served as the 39th and 41st president of Uruguay from to Missing: tuition.

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Tabaré Vázquez, also known as: Tabare Vazquez, Tabare Ramon Vazquez Rosas, born January 17, in Montevideo, Uruguay is an Uruguayan politician and current President of Uruguay Missing: tuition.
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Vázquez was born on January 17, ; his father was a politically active oil worker.