Oskar schindler biography factory address
How many factories did oskar schindler have
Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory Branch manager: Bartosz Heksel Address: ul.
Where is schindler's factory in krakow
In the heart of Krakow’s Zabłocie district lies the enamelware factory, famously associated with Oskar Schindler, a German entrepreneur who saved the lives of many Jews .
Schindler's factory tickets online
Oskar Schindler's Factory in Krakow is a former metal item factory which was turned into a modern museum devoted to the wartime experiences in Krakow under the Nazi occupation.
Oskar schindler's enamel factory tickets
The factory at ulica Lipowa 4 was launched two years before the Second World War. In the autumn of it was confiscated from three Jewish owners and taken over by a Sudeten German, Oskar Schindler (–74), a member of the NDSAP and most probably a collaborator of the Abwehr.