Biography ida tarbell standard oil apush
What did ida tarbell do
Ida M. Tarbell was a pioneering investigative journalist and one of the leading muckrakers of the Progressive Era, known for her critical writings on the monopolistic practices of the Standard .
Ida tarbell history of standard oil
In , the Cleveland Massacre saw many oil producers in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, including Frank Tarbell, face the choice of sell their companies to the young John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil or try to compete and face financial ruin.
Ida tarbell quotes
Ida M. Tarbell Gives One-hour Course Bucknell was fortunate in securing the services of Ida M. Tarbell, internationally known biographer, who gave a series of lectures ex-tending from March 17 to April One credit hour was allowed each student who took the course in biography given by the noted writer.
Ida tarbell timeline
A Pennsylvania oil field in Ida Tarbell's early life in the oil fields of Pennsylvania would have an impact when she later wrote on the Standard Oil Company and on labor practices.